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What is Gross Negligence?


Not all negligence is created equal. Under Delaware's personal injury law, there are different types of negligence. If you were a victim of the more severe form of negligence—known as gross negligence—you may be entitled to additional damages.

In personal injury cases, traditional negligence is when an individual or corporation fails to uphold a reasonable standard of care, resulting in injuries, whereas Delaware law defines gross negligence as “conduct that constitutes reckless indifference or actions that are outside the bounds of reason.”

Gross negligence differs from traditional negligence in that the alleged party is thought to have acted recklessly, despite knowing that their actions were likely to cause harm or injury. As a result, accidents that involve gross negligence often have serious and devastating consequences for victims. These consequences can vary by situation, but often include the issues below. 

Consequences of Gross Negligence

  • Physical and emotional injuries
  • Medical debt
  • Property damage
  • Loss of wages due to missed work
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Pain and suffering

Fortunately, Delaware law gives accident victims legal recourse to pursue compensation for these and other damages.

Were You a Victim of Gross Negligence?

If you—or someone you love—were injured in an accident that you believe was caused by another person's grossly negligent actions, filing a personal injury lawsuit may make it possible for you to seek compensation for damages sustained in the accident. However, in order for your lawsuit to be successful, you and your legal counsel will have to prove that there was gross negligence by showing that the alleged negligent party owed you a duty of care, failed to exercise that care, and did so knowing that their actions could cause harm.

When there's so much at stake, you can't afford to go it alone. Working with a reputable and experienced Morris James legal team gives you and your case the best chance of receiving a positive resolution.

Contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case. 

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